Minutes from the Special Meeting held August 19 have been posted to the Community Portal for your review.
In summary. A committee was appointed to work out details for the front gate and report back with options to be voted on. This committee meets tonight (8/28/21) to discuss. Their plan is to have everything ready for a presentation to homeowners within 30 days.
Further, we began the long awaited discussion on revisions to the current By-Laws and Covenants. I found it interesting that many of these were actually accepted at the last – all or none – vote, over 5 years ago. The discussion allowed us to present and vote on each item and accept the items that are voted on in the affirmative. I am trusting we can get this one behind us.
It seems we have 3 major projects ahead of us.
- Drainage being the most important one; hoping this gets done in September.
- Road repairs; we have number being sent to us within the next few days to begin the discussion on the road repairs.
- Front Gate relocation
Just as Larry Moorer has volunteered to do the drainage project, I am hoping we can enlist volunteers to assist with some of the gate relocation items to save $. Danny Thrower is also going to see if the materials can be purchased for the road repairs. If possible, we may be able to do some of these as well.
It takes a village, and its so great when we get a group of volunteers together that all want to make this a better community!
Thanks to all of you,