Annual Meeting Announcement

Per the existing bylaws, we will be having our Annual Homeowners meeting on October 14th at 521 Cypress Point Drive at 6:30pm. This will get our meetings back on course. Other items mentioned in the bylaws are the annual voting of officers. The President and Secretary will be voted on at this meeting for a 2-year term and the VP and treasurer will be voted on at the next annual meeting to be held in October of 2022.


Call to order and roll call (including those via zoom) by President- Richard Winslow

Determine if we have the quorum needed to conduct business. Section 5 of the current bylaws state we need 60%-member attendance or by proxy to have a quorum. We need 19 members for this.

Approval of agenda

Reading of minutes from the last meeting Madam Secretary- Amanda Anderson

Reading of Treasurers report, Treasurer- Steve Parker

Old Business:

  1. Voting on revised Bylaws and covenants
  2. Report from the gate committee: Voting on alterations or changes to the front gate (Darrell and our gate committee will have a presentation with 3 options to vote on)

New Business

  1. Setting a date, time, location, and committee to hold a BBQ in November
  2. Setting a date, time, location, and committee to hold a Progressive Dinner in December
  3. Report on cost of repairs to our roads (Darrell has quotes for road repairs and/ or sealcoating)
  4. Per the current Bylaws, we need to vote for president and secretary in our October annual meeting each odd year and VP and treasurer each even year. These terms are for 2 years. We just held elections in February of 2021, but I would like to get us back on course. This is a good time for all to add their names to run for President or Secretary. Amanda and I are willing to continue if it is the wish of the community.

Motion to adjourn


We need a quorum of members to vote and pass the business items and I trust all will attend and let’s put these in our rear-view mirror and move on to the BBQ’s, dinners, and social events that make this the great community it is.
