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So far LeadWorks has created 57 blog entries.
26 11, 2021

Front Gate Christmas Decorations

2021-11-26T16:30:45-05:00November 26th, 2021|

Volunteers needed for Christmas Decorating Committee For all interested in assisting with decorating the front gates, please call or text Heather Maharrey at 843-412-6590 by 3:00pm this Sunday. Heather needs someone to determine the decorations needed, locate where to buy them and get them purchased to decorate next Saturday, December 4. Lets make those gates shine for the Christmas season!! Thanks in advance for all those that can help!

7 11, 2021

CPP’s “Christmas Progressive Dinner” Invitation

2021-11-14T19:37:57-05:00November 7th, 2021|

Don't forget to RSVP by Friday November 19th.     Destinations are set and it’s time to plan the menus. Four homeowners have graciously volunteered their homes as destinations and need to further the planning, therefore we need a head count. Volunteers in any capacity would be welcomed. RSVP – YES or NO – no later than November 19th Due to the respect and courtesy of our homeowners that have volunteered their time, money, and effort RSVPs after the 19th cannot be accepted. To RSVP, and an offer to help in anyway, please send an email to Charmayne@winslowdesignstudio.com, you can also text or call 843-345-6493. So far there has been a lot of excitement when talking about putting this together; promoting a feeling of security to know your neighbors, and to enjoy doing things together. Maybe this will become CPPs 1st Annual Progressive Dinner! Looking forward to hearing from all [...]

3 11, 2021

Hail Damage

2021-11-03T17:16:48-04:00November 3rd, 2021|

  Roofing Contractor It was recently discovered that a June Hail Storm has caused significant shingle damage to roofs that are 10 years old or older, within our neighborhood. I know several in our community have used Chase Ramsey with Ketchum Roofing. I wanted to be sure that everyone has his contact information. His cell number is 843-764-7688 or email at chase@ketchumroofingwindows.com . Some may not even be aware of the hail storm in June and others may have no damage. Chase volunteered to do a free roof inspection and assist with getting any roof replacement through your insurance companies. As a side note - he stated that most insurance companies have been willing to replace with the exception of State Farm. This is in no way a solicitation, but a way to make sure everyone is aware that Chase is here to help, if needed. I know there are [...]

14 10, 2021

Masks Requirements for the Meeting

2021-10-14T16:50:35-04:00October 14th, 2021|

Per discussion with several members of our community, there is still a concern of COVID. We simple ask that those that have not been vaccinated wear a mask. If you have been vaccinated, a mask is optional. Thank you for your consideration of those in our community. Looking forward to seeing you all.

14 10, 2021

Annual Meeting ZOOM

2021-10-14T12:43:58-04:00October 14th, 2021|

Hoping to see all of you at the meeting tonight. If not, you will have the opportunity to join via Zoom.   Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87941781719?pwd=bklUd2VHTjlKOEVjQ1VpMmhmYVR5QT09   Meeting ID: 879 4178 1719 Passcode: 239417 One tap mobile +13126266799,,87941781719#,,,,*239417# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,87941781719#,,,,*239417# US (New York)   Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 879 4178 1719 Passcode: 239417 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbL6byna4w

2 10, 2021

Bylaws & Covenants Amendments

2021-10-02T11:45:07-04:00October 2nd, 2021|

At the HOA meeting held on August 19, 2021, the HOA agreed for Libby Billlham to summarize the remaining paragraphs that did not pass at the last vote held in 2016. Two tables are provided, one amending the Bylaws and one amending the Covenants. Please review each table before the meeting. The first column shows the original wording of the paragraph, while the second column shows the revised wording with the new wording in red print. The third column shows the reason for making the change.

28 09, 2021

Front Gate Repair/Replacement Options

2021-09-28T19:13:47-04:00September 28th, 2021|

Front Gate Repair/Replacement Options to be voted on at annual meeting October 14 at 6:30. Click on below attachment for your review of Gate Options. Gate Options 9.28.2021    

28 09, 2021

Annual Meeting October 14th, 2021

2021-09-28T19:07:00-04:00September 28th, 2021|

Annual Meeting Announcement Per the existing bylaws, we will be having our Annual Homeowners meeting on October 14th at 521 Cypress Point Drive at 6:30pm. This will get our meetings back on course. Other items mentioned in the bylaws are the annual voting of officers. The President and Secretary will be voted on at this meeting for a 2-year term and the VP and treasurer will be voted on at the next annual meeting to be held in October of 2022. Agenda: Call to order and roll call (including those via zoom) by President- Richard Winslow Determine if we have the quorum needed to conduct business. Section 5 of the current bylaws state we need 60%-member attendance or by proxy to have a quorum. We need 19 members for this. Approval of agenda Reading of minutes from the last meeting Madam Secretary- Amanda Anderson Reading of Treasurers report, Treasurer- Steve [...]

12 09, 2021

Great Community Get Together!!!

2021-09-12T16:32:21-04:00September 12th, 2021|

Low Country Boil Event It’s always nice to see our community come together, and yesterday was another great event. I want to thank Denny and Michelle Hopkins for opening their beautiful home, sharing it with 32 members of our community. Denny and Michelle outdid themselves, as they were seen early morning getting things set up. Denny had the “Main Course” set up by the garage and Michelle had everything placed perfectly upstairs. With an island full of side dishes and breads and another large counter of desserts, we all filled our plates and went downstairs for the main course “Low Country Boil? A table filled with corn on the cob, steamed shrimp, boiled potatoes, and sausage seasoned with Old Bay for all to admire and consume. Please see the picture of Darrell with a plate full of shrimp shells! A special thanks to Amanda Anderson, AKA Madam Secretary, for helping [...]

12 09, 2021

Drainage Project Getting Started

2021-09-12T16:12:11-04:00September 12th, 2021|

Drainage Project Getting Started CPP has 3 major concerns to be addressed in the next couple of months. After 5 long years of discussing the drainage concerns within our community, a resolution is soon to begin. I want all to know that after many discussions regarding options, the drainage committee has made a decision that works. Larry Moorer has volunteered his time to run a medium sized excavator with rubber tracks that can maneuver over the ditches with the least amount of damage to our yards. Sean Maharrey has used his company resources to secure renting the excavator for the month of October, as well as the appropriate bucket to get the job done correctly. Roger Goodman has also offered to loan his Dump Trailer, so we won’t have to rent one. The board approved 5,000.00 for this work which is 20% of the lowest bid we were able to [...]

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