Sharing the Fish Fry Photos:
Just in case you missed this last community event, we wanted to share a few photos of the 34 who did attend.
A special thanks to “The Cooks”, Sean and Heather Maharrey, Darryl Billham and Denny Hopkins that arrived at 3:00pm to get things started. You did a Great Job!
The rest of the community in attendance started arriving at 4:00 with a covered dish to share. We began eating around 5:00. This was Great to see how our small community truly enjoyed getting out and visiting with each other.
Many suggested doing this again in September. It was decided to have a Low Country Boil around September 11th. Denny & Michelle Hopkins have volunteered to host the event. Sandy Golden has also volunteered to help.
We need additional volunteers, so please let us know if you would like to help Denny and Michelle, as well. We’ll place an announcement on the CPP Website to give you all of the details. Please let us know if you’ll be attending.
Hope all of you will join us. Take the opportunity to meet all of our new neighbors, as well as friends; let’s all catch up to make this the best community ever!
Thank you to everyone for your kindness,